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Placing a terrace with ipé wood decking at Dentergem 130,00 € /ex VAT*

Are you looking for a Handyman at Dentergem for Placing a terrace with ipé wood decking ?

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How? kindly asks each customer who received help to confirm whether the freelancer who carried out the job deserves 5 stars.

Click on REQUEST A QUOTE and a Handyman who's been evaluated with 5 stars will call you within 24 hours. In case of an emergency, don't hesitate and call our helpdesk on 02 775 84 84.

What can a Handyman of the Myspecialist network do for your application for "Placing a terrace with ipé wood decking"?

This offer (in m2) is valid for placing a terrace with ipé wood decking. Based on the measurements that we will make, we will pre-cut and pre-drill the parts in our workshop. This preparation ensures a quick, professional and precise installation. This rate also includes the herringbone structure, automatic specific stainless self-drilling hex screws, and as wood finishing two layers of wood oil for your terrace with ipé wood decking. This wood is prized for its excellent resistance to changes in weather conditions and in water level. This exotic wood, which is originally from South and Central America, is also known as green ebony. It's so stable thanks to its density which is close to 1040kg/m3. Choosing for ipé wood means being assured of a high quality finish and of a durable and exceptional quality. Our woodworkers only work with high quality FAS (First and Second) ipé wood, which is almost always without sapwood, heartwood and the like. Would you like to have a different kind of wood? Our woodworkers will gladly help you with choosing the best wood on the market that meets your needs. In order to receive a customized configuration, please ask for a free quote and do not wait any longer for a customized offer. This price is, however, not fixed. Don't hesitate to ask our professionals who have all been evaluated with 5 stars by the Myspecialist network. They are more than happy to provide you with a personalized offer.

Placing a terrace with ipé wood decking


You send us your request by clicking on "REQUEST A QUOTE".
You receive a free quote that suits you!
The specialist carries out the work and you are satisfied.


130,00 € /ex VAT (NORMAL PRICE)


  • Regular price : The mission is handled within 48 hours to 3 weeks.
  • Emergency price : The mission is handled within 24 hours.
  • Free quote excluding transport costs.
  • This price includes the delivery time for the assignment described above.
  • This price does not include materials or supplies.
  • Free quote excluding transport costs. National transport fixed price of €28 per shift.
  • These prices are indicative and serve as a basis for calculating the final quote.


In your neighborhood, each Handyman has been awarded 5 stars by the customers that he has helped. Let the MYPECIALIST.BE providers' network take care of all your small and large projects with complete peace of mind.


C. Phasi

Nickel. Rien à redire!

E. Savereux

Very nice and professional presentation.

D. Pastina

Sergiu is competent and reliable. I would certainly recommend him and his staff and would probably hire him again.


Casting a 100m² concrete screed

EN : I am looking for someone to lay a concrete screed in my back garden, it will be about 20m2 maximum. I have attached two photos of the garden.

FR : Je cherche quelqu'un pour poser une chape de béton dans mon jardin, il s'agit d'une surface d'environ 20m2 maximum. Je joins deux photos du jardin.


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