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Installation of terracotta tiles at Eine 2100 € /ex VAT*

Are you looking for a Tile setter at Eine for Installation of terracotta tiles ?

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  • an Tile setter who has been reviewed with 5 stars from customers,
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How? kindly asks each customer who received help to confirm whether the freelancer who carried out the job deserves 5 stars.

Click on REQUEST A QUOTE and a Tile setter who's been evaluated with 5 stars will call you within 24 hours. In case of an emergency, don't hesitate and call our helpdesk on 02 775 84 84.

What can a Tile setter of the Myspecialist network do for your application for "Installation of terracotta tiles"?

This offer is valid for the covering of a surface of 30m² in handmade tomettes. To give a rustic effect and cachet to your terrace, a beautiful terracotta tile is best recommended. A little technical, this type of flooring requires the intervention of an experienced professional that you will easily find on MYSPECIALIST. There are 2 types of floor tiles, the old one, also commonly called artisanal, and the modern or industrial one. Both have the advantage of being weather resistant, so they are perfect for covering the floor of your terrace. The old fashioned tomette is particularly distinguished by its reddish-ochre shade and the installation takes a little time, but it is really worth it in terms of the final result. Count about 2100€ for the installation of old tomette on a terrace of 30m²; supplies not included. The tiler's service will cover the preparation and installation of the screed, the laying of the floor tile and the grouting, which is usually done one week later. For an atypical and warm floor, offer yourself the services of an experienced tiler from the MYSPECIALIST network.

Installation of terracotta tiles


You send us your request by clicking on "REQUEST A QUOTE".
You receive a free quote that suits you!
The specialist carries out the work and you are satisfied.


2100 € /ex VAT (NORMAL PRICE)


  • Regular price : The mission is handled within 48 hours to 3 weeks.
  • Emergency price : The mission is handled within 24 hours.
  • Free quote excluding transport costs.
  • This price includes the delivery time for the assignment described above.
  • This price does not include materials or supplies.
  • Free quote excluding transport costs. National transport fixed price of €28 per shift.
  • These prices are indicative and serve as a basis for calculating the final quote.


In your neighborhood, each Tile setter has been awarded 5 stars by the customers that he has helped. Let the MYPECIALIST.BE providers' network take care of all your small and large projects with complete peace of mind.


E. Savereux

Very nice and professional presentation.

D. Pastina

Sergiu is competent and reliable. I would certainly recommend him and his staff and would probably hire him again.

T. Pejovix

I am extremely happy with the service provided by Mr Gabriel and would gladly recommend him to our friends.Thank you for putting us in contact.


Silvia Martinez - Handyman

I need a mapping of the electricity to make it compliant. Quick step floor and paint. Change the sink in the bathroom, repaint the doors


J'ai besoin d'une cartographie de l'électricité pour la rendre conforme. Plancher et peinture en quick step. Changer le lavabo dans la salle de bain, repeindre les portes

Opportunité de Croatian Chamber of Economy Representative Office in Brussels

Monthly billing for concierge services - September 2024

Wilco Burghout - @Advise me

I would need a quote for an electrician for installation of a wallbox to charge an electric vehicle, monophase 32 Ah 7kW.


J'ai besoin d'un devis pour un électricien pour l'installation d'une wallbox pour charger un véhicule électrique, monophasé 32 Ah 7kW.


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