ZEN Installation at Lorcé 175,00 € /ex VAT*
Are you looking for a Computer scientist at Lorcé for ZEN Installation ?
On Myspecialist.be you will find:
- an Computer scientist who has been reviewed with 5 stars from customers,
- who's available straightaway,
- who lives close to you.
How? Myspecialist.be kindly asks each customer who received help to confirm whether the freelancer who carried out the job deserves 5 stars.
Click on REQUEST A QUOTE and a Computer scientist who's been evaluated with 5 stars will call you within 24 hours. In case of an emergency, don't hesitate and call our helpdesk on 02 775 84 84.What can a Computer scientist of the Myspecialist network do for your application for "ZEN Installation"?
This service helps you to synchronise and transfer the settings and data of your old computer with a newly acquired computer. Whether you bought the device from our store or elsewhere, you can make use of our Zen installation packages. We offer 3 packages; ZEN, ZEN + and ZEN ++, each including the services of the previous one. ZEN (€ 60) - Preparation of your computer: account and password - Transfer of your personal files ATTENTION: This package only concerns your FILES such as your photos, documents and videos. We will not reinstall any software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Skype, etc.). ZEN + (€ 100) - Includes all of the services of the ZEN package - Installation of free software of your choice such as Chrome, Skype, Dropbox, etc ... - Microsoft Office installation (license is optional) - Configuration of mailboxes (in the email program of your choice, we will need your usernames and passwords) - Configuration of our back-up solution (disk not included) and antivirus program (license is optional) ZEN ++ (€ 150) - Includes all of the services of the ZEN + package - Configuration of your printer and Wi-Fi connection at home (limited to the 19 municipalities in Brussels)
- Regular price : The mission is handled within 48 hours to 3 weeks.
- Emergency price : The mission is handled within 24 hours.
- Free quote excluding transport costs.
- This price includes the delivery time for the assignment described above.
- This price does not include materials or supplies.
- Free quote excluding transport costs. National transport fixed price of €28 per shift.
- These prices are indicative and serve as a basis for calculating the final quote.
In your neighborhood, each Computer scientist has been awarded 5 stars by the customers that he has helped. Let the MYPECIALIST.BE providers' network take care of all your small and large projects with complete peace of mind.
Nickel. Rien à redire!
Very nice and professional presentation.
Sergiu is competent and reliable. I would certainly recommend him and his staff and would probably hire him again.
EN : I am looking for someone to lay a concrete screed in my back garden, it will be about 20m2 maximum. I have attached two photos of the garden.
FR : Je cherche quelqu'un pour poser une chape de béton dans mon jardin, il s'agit d'une surface d'environ 20m2 maximum. Je joins deux photos du jardin.
EACH Computer scientist IS HERE TO HELP YOU
Each Computer scientist at Lorcé has received 4 to 5 stars from the user network. When the average grade of the Computer scientist is lower than 4 stars, he or she will no longer be recommended by the MYSPECIALIST.BE network.
WHAT Brieuc, Computer scientist at Lorcé CAN DO FOR YOU
Some of the assignments in great demand
- Assembly of a gamer PC
- Assembly of your PC
- BIOS Update
- All quotes are made via the MYSPECIALIST platform.
- All cost estimates are carried out by the platform MYSPECIALIST. This IT platform is supported by our help desk and aims at following your requests and facilitating the administrative and logistical management for each Computer scientist of its network.
Don't wait weeks to get your cost estimate at Lorcé . Each Computer scientist does his or her utmost to abide by a charter that sets all the deadlines for each step. In the event of any deviation, the platform will automatically carry out reminders.
For the payment of the jobs, MYSPECIALIST will secure the amount of money on a consignation account.
- For you, this means that you will be guaranteed that your money is protected, and that it won't be released if you haven't given your approval about the jobs that have been carried out. It is finally no longer necessary to chase down your supplier who disappeared with your money.
- For each Computer scientist, this means that he or she will be guaranteed of a payment if the job was carried out accordingly.
The high-skilled Computer scientist who has settled for generations at Lorcé has a well-filled order book. He or she doesn't need to sign up for a network like MYSPECIALIST.BE.
The network of MYSPECIALIST.BE consists therefore mainly of foreigners (French, Chilean, Moldavian, Italian, Moroccan, Portuguese...) who have settled at Lorcé for several months or years. These people don't have a well-established Computer scientist network. Therefore is MYSPECIALIST.BE an excellent solution for them in order to easily find clients at Lorcé , and to take care of the administrative tasks.
It's within this context that our cost estimates are calculated at competitive prices, while they are carried out by a professional Computer scientist who has been evaluated by MYSPECIALIST.
100% LEGAL
Each Computer scientist of the MYSPECIALIST network needs to meet the following accreditation criteria:
- Correctly evaluated by the clients who he or she has helped.
- Registered at the crossroads bank.
- Have access to the profession in order to carry out the assigned TASKs.
- Covered by a professional third-party insurance.
Abée , Abolens , Acosse , Aineffe , Alleur , Amay , Amblève , Ambresin , Ampsin , Andrimont , Angleur , Ans , Antheit , Anthisnes , Arbrefontaine , Argenteau , Aubel , Avennes , Avernas-Le-Bauduin , Avin , Awans , Awirs , Ayeneux , Aywaille , Baelen , Barchon , Bas-Oha , Basse-Bodeux , Bassenge , Battice , Beaufays , Bellaire , Bellevaux-Ligneuville , Ben-Ahin , Bergilers , Berloz , Berneau , Bertrée , Bettincourt , Bevercé , Beyne-Heusay , Bierset , Bilstain , Blégny , Blehen , Bleret , Bodegnée , Boëlhe , Boirs , Bois-Et-Borsu , Bolland , Bombaye , Boncelles , Borlez , Bovenistier , Bra , Braives , Bressoux , Bullange , Burdinne , Burg-Reuland , Butgenbach , Celles , Cérexhe-Heuseux , Chaineux , Chapon-Seraing , Charneux , Chaudfontaine , Chênee , Cheratte , Chevron , Chokier , Ciplet , Clavier , Clermont , Clermont-Sous-Huy , Comblain-Au-Pont , Comblain-Fairon , Comblain-La-Tour , Cornesse , Corswarem , Couthuin , Cras-Avernas , Crehen , Crisnée , Crombach , Dalhem , Darion , Dison , Dolembreux , Donceel , Eben-Emael , Ehein , Ehein , Ellemelle , Elsenborn , Embourg , Engis , Ensival , Ernonheid , Esneux , Eupen , Evegnée , Eynatten , Faimes , Fallais , Faymonville , Feneur , Ferrières , Fexhe-Le-Haut-Clocher , Fexhe-Slins , Filot , Fize-Fontaine , Fize-Le-Marsal , Flémalle , Flémalle-Grande , Flémalle-Haute , Fléron , Flône , Fooz , Forêt , Fosse , Fraipont , Fraiture , Francorchamps , Freloux , Fumal , Geer , Gemmenich , Glain , Gleixhe , Glons , Goé , Gomzé-Andoumont , Grâce-Berleur , Grâce-Hollogne , Grand-Axhe , Grand-Hallet , Grand-Rechain , Grandville , Grivegnee , Haccourt , Hamoir , Haneffe , Hannêche , Hannut , Harzé , Hauset , Henri-Chapelle , Heppenbach , Hergenrath , Hermalle-Sous-Argenteau , Hermalle-Sous-Huy , Hermée , Héron , Herstal , Herve , Heure-Le-Romain , Heusy , Hodeige , Hody , Hognoul , Hollogne-Aux-Pierres , Hollogne-Sur-Geer , Hombourg , Horion-Hozémont , Housse , Houtain-Saint-Siméon , Huccorgne , Huy , Ivoz-Ramet , Jalhay , Jehay , Jemeppe-Sur-Meuse , Jeneffe , Julémont , Jupille-Sur-Meuse , Juprelle , Kemexhe , Kettenis , La Calamine , La Gleize , La Reid , Lambermont , Lamine , Lamontzée , Lanaye , Lantin , Lantremange , Latinne , Lavoir , Lens-Saint-Remy , Lens-Saint-Servais , Lens-Sur-Geer , Les Avins , Les Waleffes , Liège , Liège , Lierneux , Liers , Ligney , Limbourg , Limont , Lincent , Lixhe , Lommersweiler , Loncin , Lontzen , Lorcé , Louveigné , Louveigné , Magnée , Malmedy , Manderfeld , Marchin , Marneffe , Meeffe , Melen , Membach , Merdorp , Meyerode , Micheroux , Milmort , Modave , Moha , Momalle , Mons-Lez-Liège , Montegnée , Montzen , Moresnet , Mortier , Mortroux , Moxhe , My , Nandrin , Nessonvaux , Neufchâteau , Neu-Moresnet , Neupré , Neuville-En-Condroz , Noville , Ocquier , Odeur , Oleye , Olne , Omal , Ombret , Oreye , Oteppe , Othée , Otrange , Ouffet , Ougrée , Oupeye , Outrelouxhe , Paifve , Pailhe , Pellaines , Pepinster , Petit-Hallet , Petit-Rechain , Plainevaux , Plombières , Polleur , Polleur , Poucet , Poulseur , Pousset , Queue-Du-Bois , Racour , Raeren , Rahier , Ramelot , Recht , Remicourt , Retinne , Reuland , Richelle , Robertville , Rocherath , Roclenge-Sur-Geer , Rocourt , Roloux , Romsée , Rosoux-Crenwick , Rotheux-Rimière , Rouvreux , Saint-André , Saint-Georges-Sur-Meuse , Saint-Nicolas , Saint-Remy , Saint-Séverin , Saint-Vith , Saive , Sart-Lez-Spa , Schoenberg , Seny , Seraing , Seraing-Le-Château , Sippenaeken , Slins , Soheit-Tinlot , Soiron , Sougné-Remouchamps , Soumagne , Sourbrodt , Spa , Sprimont , Stavelot , Stembert , Stoumont , Strée-Lez-Huy , Tavier , Terwagne , Theux , Thimister , Thimister-Clermont , Thisnes , Thommen , Thys , Tignée , Tihange , Tilff , Tilleur , Tinlot , Tourinne , Trembleur , Trognée , Trois-Ponts , Trooz , Vaux-Et-Borset , Vaux-Sous-Chèvremont , Velroux , Verlaine , Verviers , Viemme , Vierset-Barse , Vieuxville , Vieux-Waleffe , Ville-En-Hesbaye , Villers-Aux-Tours , Villers-Le-Bouillet , Villers-Le-Peuplier , Villers-Le-Temple , Villers-L'Evêque , Villers-Saint-Siméon , Vinalmont , Visé , Vivegnis , Voroux-Goreux , Voroux-Lez-Liers , Vottem , Vyle-Et-Tharoul , Waimes , Walhorn , Wandre , Wanne , Wansin , Wanze , Waremme , Waret-L'Evêque , Warnant-Dreye , Warsage , Warzée , Wasseiges , Wegnez , Welkenraedt , Werbomont , Wihogne , Wonck , Xhendelesse , Xhendremael , Xhoris , Yernée-Fraineux