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Installation of a concrete staircase at Nettinne 3800 € /ex VAT*

Are you looking for a Bricklayer at Nettinne for Installation of a concrete staircase ?

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  • an Bricklayer who has been reviewed with 5 stars from customers,
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How? kindly asks each customer who received help to confirm whether the freelancer who carried out the job deserves 5 stars.

Click on REQUEST A QUOTE and a Bricklayer who's been evaluated with 5 stars will call you within 24 hours. In case of an emergency, don't hesitate and call our helpdesk on 02 775 84 84.

What can a Bricklayer of the Myspecialist network do for your application for "Installation of a concrete staircase "?

Concrete is a very resistant material. It is therefore the most practical solution for places such as stairs, as it does not resonate and therefore offers excellent acoustic comfort. As for the finish, you have a very wide choice: ashlar if you opt for luxury, wood for a country atmosphere, tiles which are very easy to maintain or simply waxed concrete for a modern touch. The masons of the Myspecialist network can build the stairs for you according to the desired configuration: straight, 1/4 or 2/4 spiral, or helical. A personalised estimate will be provided before the work is carried out, but as an indication, a straight concrete staircase costs around 3800€, a price including the removal of the old structure, tracing, formwork, concrete production and form removal. The price of the finish will depend on the cladding material chosen.

Installation of a concrete staircase


You send us your request by clicking on "REQUEST A QUOTE".
You receive a free quote that suits you!
The specialist carries out the work and you are satisfied.


3800 € /ex VAT (NORMAL PRICE)


  • Regular price : The mission is handled within 48 hours to 3 weeks.
  • Emergency price : The mission is handled within 24 hours.
  • Free quote excluding transport costs.
  • This price includes the delivery time for the assignment described above.
  • This price does not include materials or supplies.
  • Free quote excluding transport costs. National transport fixed price of €28 per shift.
  • These prices are indicative and serve as a basis for calculating the final quote.


In your neighborhood, each Bricklayer has been awarded 5 stars by the customers that he has helped. Let the MYPECIALIST.BE providers' network take care of all your small and large projects with complete peace of mind.


E. Savereux

Very nice and professional presentation.

D. Pastina

Sergiu is competent and reliable. I would certainly recommend him and his staff and would probably hire him again.

T. Pejovix

I am extremely happy with the service provided by Mr Gabriel and would gladly recommend him to our friends.Thank you for putting us in contact.


David Reed - Electrician

EN : I have a problem with the fuse box and several kitchen devices do not work. First the induction hob and now the oven doesn’t work at all. It may be just a fuse change is needed but it doesn’t appear to be fused. Is it possible for it to be fixed over the weekend ? Thanks


FR : J'ai un problème avec la boîte à fusibles et plusieurs appareils de cuisine ne fonctionnent pas. D'abord la plaque à induction et maintenant le four ne fonctionne pas du tout. Il se peut qu'un changement de fusible soit nécessaire, mais il ne semble pas y avoir de fusible. Est-il possible de le réparer pendant le week-end ? Merci de votre compréhension.

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